How I ended up being a Life Coach
My name is Rola Sheikh, a Holistic Life Coach and Energy Healer.
To me, Life Coaching is not work, not even a career, it is mycalling. All through my life, ever since I was a young girl at
school, people would come to me for advice, for motivation, or for help in solving
their problems.
At University, I chose a major that was the closest to my
heart, despite of what my parents thought, which was "Environmental Health”,
because deep down inside I was always keen on these two subjects: a clean
sustainable environment as well as a healthy and vital wellbeing.
At work, my nickname was "Governor” (mekhtara) as people were
always in my office to tell me about difficulties they were facing or to
confide in me in matters they were handling; it was like I was a people’s
I worked with passion and dedication in the Energy and
Environment field up until 2016 where life, not in a very kind way, decided to
tell me: hey, isn’t it time you grow? Isn’t it time you follow your heart?
Isn’t it time you realize that you have a bigger calling?
Well, as they say, when the student is ready the Master
appears, and this is where my new journey began. The Master appeared in the
form of a first course that started to answer some vital life questions.. and
slowly but surely new doors started opening and beautiful opportunities knocked
my door that led me to where I am today: a certified life coach and energy
healer. A very fulfilled and proud one!
To make things official, a little less than 2 years ago, I
left my 9-5 job and decided to give Life Coaching my entire time, focus, and
Why coaching? Because my innate skills in listening and motivating help
me to better explore my client’s thoughts, dreams, needs, or fears in order to
help them find their true identity and help them to move forward.
Why Holistic Life Coaching in particular? Because it represents who I am and
it matches my abilities, and beliefs. I truly believe that one’s life is formed
by the three main pillars: their mind, body and spirit, together
as a whole and not separately. Integrating these pillars helps the clients I
work with to raise their consciousness levels, to become empowered, and to
create the lives they desire and deserve.
Why would you come to me as a coach? Because I will help you discover your inner potential, which for some
reason was hiding from your senses... Because I will help you to open the doors
of self-confidence and get you to put on a "let's do it" kind of attitude
rather than "what am I going to do now?" kind of behavior.
What is the feedback that I get the most from clients? The things
that my clients appreciate the most about me and my work are my ethics, passion,
authenticity, and the fact that I practice what I preach, everyday of my life.